Gamification for Metaverse Event – Explore Gamification Ideas 

Gamification for Metaverse Event – Explore Gamification Ideas 

Each and every day the power of the metaverse is rapidly changing the event industry with a 3D immersive environment, virtual world, and 3D avatars. In this arena, “Gamification for metaverse events” has the potential to change forever. Being creative and adding fun elements to your virtual events drive engagement and gain traction for bringing the vision of realistic experiences to life. 

And with the concept of metaverse uplifting existing internet technologies via an interoperable and unified virtual space, gamification can redefine the future of online interactions, content ownership, and even realistic trading. 

In this article, we will unpack more about the gamification for metaverse event. Let’s dig deeper into this concept further. 

So, what is gamification for metaverse events? 

Gamification for metaverse events is the concept of organizing special games and creating fun and high level of interactions for your virtual audience. Award the audience with special points for their visit to the exhibitor hall, sponsor booths, conversation with sponsors, viewing & downloading business cards, etc. Or else, you can even activate leader boards and assign points to reward your audience. 

Here comes the question, why gamification for metaverse events? 

Benefits of Gamification for Metaverse events 

  • Enhanced engagement among attendees – Gamification for metaverse events evokes a participant’s competitive spirit, motivates them, and creates positive emotions in them. As a result, your audience pays more attention, which maximizes learning. 
  • Enhances sponsorship promotion opportunities – Specific experiences and games offer sponsors an opportunity to interact more naturally with attendees. By offering prizes, they can promote their brand and increase their return on investment. 
  • Improved networking capabilities – Gamified experiences are ideal for breaking the ice and relaxing the atmosphere at virtual events. By creating a sense of co-presence, one can share experiences and create a sense of belonging and community. 
  • Exposure of a brand via social media – With a strong marketing plan and a visually rich and engaging platform, you can create experiences that will take your brand and event from being seen by hundreds to thousands. 

In Grand.Space, as a business solution that provides a truly immersive metaverse, gamification plays a critical role. 

We are in a unique position to offer the best in-depth insight, guidelines, and ideas for the best gamification strategy because we have experience with thousands of events and partnerships. 

Next, let us continue learning about how gamification for metaverse events can be incorporated. 

Setting up Gamification for Metaverse Event – Thumb Rule to incorporate it 

Gamification for metaverse events is proving to be a powerful element for virtual events in the digital world, especially the metaverse.  

In this regard, the type of experiences we introduce, and especially how these experiences are selected and developed, are crucial. It is important that a contest or game is relevant to the event’s overall objectives and can organically fit in with the event’s design. 

Here are the basic thumb rules to be followed while setting up gamification for metaverse event. 

Plan your budget 

In some of the metaverse platforms, gamification tools are basically integrated in it so there shouldn’t be extra costs on the platform end. Depending upon the type of design you choose and creative content, the cost may vary for each. 

Set gamification goals 

While setting up the goals, always remember to ask two general questions: What is the purpose of your event and how do you expect to involve the gamified experience in it. 

By figuring out this question, you can easily choose the type of experience like a game or contest that is relevant to your overall objectives. 

For instance, if networking and socializing is your purpose for an event, then you can create interactive gaming experiences such as scavenger hunts or escape rooms. Because these games can involve team-building activities and hence networking will develop among your audience. 

Be Socialize 

Attendees will benefit from this as they crave recognition. Interactions and networking are encouraged in this way. Embrace the benefits of 3D avatars in the metaverse. 

The ability to use life-like gestures, expressions, and even dances, in the virtual environment helps give even the shyest of attendees the confidence to engage and interact with others and be heard. 

Measure event success 

Gamification for metaverse events involves developing networking and hence it directly relates to the event’s success. So, set up your KPIs and define the rules, and communicate with the attendees wisely. 

After setting up the KPIs, create content that leads up to the basic rules and what they expected to win or earn. This will hence drum up their interest to participate in the gamification of the event. 

Now that we have the framework let’s explore a few gamification examples and ideas that will better explain what “relevant to your overall objectives” actually means. 

Gamification Ideas for Metaverse Event 

  1. Virtual escape rooms – It encourages the audience to work together and develops team-building activities like riddles solving and puzzles together. This further enhances networking and triggers the sense of competitiveness and the feeling of connecting with other attendees. 
  1. Virtual scavenger hunts – Pair this game with a sponsor and exhibitor booth. For example, hide some 3D objects and ask attendees to find them in their exhibitor booth. The audience was given a specific amount of time to find all the 3D objects in order to win prizes. This brings a level of uncertainty and excitement. 
  1. Polls – Fantastic way to keep the audience engaged during the event. Reward points with each poll attendees took. 
  1. Q&A session – Encourage the audience by asking relevant questions which can lead to insightful and relevant discussions. With Grand.Space you can even gamify the experience by asking attendees to vote their favorite questions. 
  1. Trivia – It has become the go-to tool for fun among social and work groups. It can be used during the breakout sessions to break the ice and keep attendees engaged. 
  1. Exhibitor or sponsor vetting – Ask attendees to vote for their favorite booth and include a leadership board showing which booth is the most popular one. 

The gamification ideas for metaverse events don’t end here and it has a long way to go. All those are just an idea to kick start your gamification experience. Surely, these will allow your attendees to immerse themselves in a different virtual world.  

It’s time to increase urgency, increase the value of your event and amplify attendees’ gamification experience with Grand.Space. Are you interested in maximizing audience engagement in a unique immersive event experience with Grand.Space? Get in touch with us and look out for the demo of our metaverse world here.